Sometimes we take steps in life and we don’t know how things will unfold. We have a hope, maybe a vision, but we really can’t be sure what will appear around the corner. Often in these moments we have to let go of something else, we have to quit a job or end a relationship in order to move forward into a new iteration of life. Often times when we leave something behind we have to navigate an abyss, a void where we aren’t sure where we’re going or what’s happening. We can doubt the choices we just made, we can tell ourselves we’re not capable of navigating the unknown…
But then new things start to unfold, new feelings arise, unexpected opportunities present themselves to us, and we are reminded that nothing is permanent. We are always evolving, changing, growing.
I have experienced a variety of abyss moments in my life; leaving jobs to focus on Bird, moving cities, travelling to countries with just a passport (pre smart phone times!) ending relationships, and with each I’ve felt myself navigating a nowhere land until after a while I find more solid ground. That solid ground is most often a feeling of resourcefulness, coupled with a feeling of internal peace and calm. The navigation of the abyss has been hard every time, I’ve wobbled and had to feel hard feelings. But when I’ve allowed myself to just be with the emotions, and trust that at some point I will move through them, I get to somewhere new. The place on the other side of the abyss reminds me that when we are brave, life offers us opportunities and experiences that are bigger and better than we could ever have imagined.
Creating change in life is scary, the void always comes where we’re not sure if what we’re doing will pan out. But something new and unexpected always arises. We can trust that after bravery comes light.
With love as always, Hannah and Team Bird
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash