A New Start

Well it’s September, how did that happen? I know it’s clichéd, but I am honestly not convinced it should be September, I think someone got it wrong somewhere, a part of me is still in the mood for care free summer times. 

However, as I pulled an autumnal jumper out of my wardrobe today before heading out, I reminded myself of the positives of early September and beyond. It’s always felt for me like a new start, perhaps more so than January. I imagine of course that it’s tied to the school holidays, the pathways have been firmly created after 17 years of education, always a new pencil case, a new bag, a new hairdo. But there is definitely a sense of a new beginning, a clean slate.

I can feel a sense of ‘new-start-ness’ in the ether through colleagues, clients, friends and strangers. In Brighton where I live there’s a buzz about the place, there’s activity, new thoughts and ideas, hope emerging for people once again. 

We have four more months of 2021, and perhaps when we look at them from a perspective of newness and hope, we can fill them with things we want to do and ways we want to be.

My intention is to meet with friends old and new, it’s to laugh and feel joyful, it’s to (hopefully) get abroad if possible, it’s to get creative in new ways, it’s to prioritise relationships and situations that make me feel alive and give me the space to be authentically me. It’s to develop new rituals that feel lovely. It’s also to meditate and be still and be my own best friend. And it feels super exciting.

So, my invitation to you today is to look upon the next four months as an opportunity, how do you want to navigate the last third of 2021?

With love as always, Hannah and Team Bird

Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

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