The power of the post-it

Insightful thoughts and reflections are incredibly useful for us to grow and learn and move forward. Taking the time to have a conversation with a colleague, or a coach, or a therapist can really help us get to the heart of our challenges.

Equally, reflecting in a journal, or contemplating whilst on a long walk allows our subconscious to process all that’s coming up.

The challenge, however, is holding on to the learning as we head back into the day to day.

When we deliver resilience workshops we spend hours working with attendees to explore their perspectives and ideas and beliefs about themselves. At the end of each session we remind everyone to find ways to anchor their learnings into the day to day. This might look like repeating a mantra to yourself in the morning, in order to get set up right for the day ahead. It might look like listening to a certain song to get you in a positive frame of mind before approaching a task or project.

But one easy, simple way to remember what you’ve learnt after some processing or reflection, is to write something down on a post-it note and stick it up. It’s not pretty, it’s not romantic, it’s just good old fashioned words on a sticky sheet of paper.

‘Remember to breathe’ has worked for me, ‘life is a magnificent journey’ is another nice reminder. ‘You have permission to be human and messy and real’ is a post-it message very close to my heart.

Stuck up on a cupboard, visible to you as you make your cup of tea, or brush your teeth, these little reminders act as the anchors to bring you back on track with what you’ve learnt about yourself, what you’ve learnt about life, and the approach you want to take moving forward.

With love as always, Hannah and Team Bird

PS. We’re taking bookings for autumn workshops and coaching. If you would like more information please email us.

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

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