I like to think about tending to our wellness as thinking about both roots and leaves.
As most of us do when we are younger and learning about the world I used to focus more on my leaves. I used to think about growth and learning and trying new things. And then more recently (mostly since burning out from previous work) I’ve thought much more about roots. Roots for me mean talking therapies and thinking about physical health and reading and reflecting.
I’ve had a little niggle lately though that I’ve spent too much time tending to my roots. Covid didn’t help, we all had plenty of time to reflect, but I’ve noticed that although I don’t have any obvious stressors in my life I’ve felt a bit lethargic, and I think it’s because of the lack of learning, the lack of growth, the lack of new leaves bursting into life.
And so I’ve started contemplating new creative endeavours, I’m thinking about random and completely new areas that I might be interested in exploring. And it feels very vibrant and exciting.
I think, as with most things, it’s a both/and situation. It’s important for us to tend to our roots so we feel well and grounded and nourished, and our leaves so we can grow and bloom and bring more sunshine into our lives.
If you’d like to explore either do get in touch to explore working with us.
With love as always, Hannah and Team Bird
Image by Faye Cornish https://unsplash.com/photos/Uq3gTiPlqRo
Check out our website for information on webinars and coaching: wearebird.org