We live very busy lives. We pack our schedules with 100 things to do. We get a great deal of joy from doing what we do. Doing stuff can be energising, it can be an opportunity to learn, and it can lead to connection with others who are also doing things.
But being perpetually busy robs us of our time to process all that comes up for us through the day. Doing all that stuff inevitably brings up emotion. When we stay busy, and neglect to take some time to connect with what’s going on for us on the inside, we suppress, or ‘stockpile’ (Brené Brown, 2015) those emotions. Those emotions get stored up in our bodies. They then tend to seep out in different ways and at different times, most often in ways that don’t feel too good. Like if you get angry at the bus driver for no reason, or you feel consistently annoyed about the institutions around you.
Taking time to sit and connect with your emotions helps to release that struggle. Most often when we’re angry about something ‘out there’ it’s because we have unprocessed emotion ‘in here’.
So scheduling in some time to sit and notice what’s going on physically, emotionally and energetically is essential if we are to navigate life in a self-caring way.
This can take the form of a meditation, a quiet sit in nature with a hot drink, taking time to go on a gentle walk alone, taking a bath, or just resting on the sofa.
Our inner world is just as important as our outer world, and contrary to what society suggests taking time out to do some self-reflection is highly beneficial and important.
What’s your alone time practice?
With love, Hannah
Ps. If you want to be guided through how to do this, email me about some coaching. I have a couple of slots open this month for new clients, and we have a July intensive offer as well. See below for more details.