How are you getting on? We are into week three of isolation here in the UK and I notice things changing both in myself and in my local area.
I make use of our permitted daily exercise allowance and have been walking or running. It has been massively helpful to move my body, but I notice a bit of anxiety arising as I dodge people left right and centre in these busy south coast streets. It seems like each task in the day is both enjoyable and anxiety inducing. Making food is a lovely activity but tinged with concern that I am working my way through my weekly shop far too quickly, zooming friends and family is so wonderful but simultaneously reminds me how long it has been since I had a human hug. Things feel both lovely and sad at the same time.
And that is where I’ve come to see this whole situation, it’s a paradox, it’s got both positives and negatives. On Monday I had the most anxious day I’ve had so far during the pandemic, I had to spend about two hours deep breathing to try and relax myself enough to continue my day. But today, three days later, I feel somewhat at peace with the whole situation. And that’s how I think the whole journey will roll, we’ll move from anxiety to peace and back again from week to week, day to day, hour to hour.
And that’s totally ok.
That’s the most natural way to respond to such an uncertain situation. What we can do for ourselves is take care, is turn the dial up on the things we do that we know calm us. We can laugh more, sing more, play more, lay on the sofa more, sleep more, meditate more, read more, or do everything so much less if in fact that is what will soothe us and allow us to navigate this storm.
In essence, knowing this is a time of ups and downs, accepting we will feel like that and we can’t really control that response, and then prioritising our self care strategies is a super positive way to move forward in this difficult time.
You have got this. You are doing amazingly. And this too shall pass.
With love as ever, Hannah and Team Bird
As promised we are delivering the webinar ‘Building Personal Resilience in Uncertain Times’ on 21st April 11am – 12.30pm. I would love for you to join us. We have tried to keep ticket prices really affordable with different options depending on your income at the moment. Also, if you really feel this would be useful for you and you are struggling financially feel free to email me and we can discuss. Click here to learn more.
Photo by Claire Satera on Unsplash