Everything will be alright

Sometimes in life you can be thrown into unexpected times of uncertainty. In fact, inevitably in life you are thrown into unexpected times of uncertainty. Uncertainty is part of life. Actually, uncertainty is the place we grow through. We learn so much about ourselves by working through those times where we have no control. Uncertain times are crucial for us to have a meaningful experience of life.

But they are still hard. In fact, uncertainty can be terrifying. Our negatively biased brains make up catastrophising stories about what might happen, and so we sit in fear about all that could go wrong when we don’t have a clear picture of what is on the horizon.

But there are small things we can do to actually support ourselves through these times. The one that I’ve found helpful recently is a bit of a mantra/self-compassion combo. Simply reminding myself, as I place my hand on my heart, that everything will be ok, has helped immeasurably.

Research tells us doing something like this changes the chemical make up of the body. We are self soothing when we practice a strategy like this.

Of course, there are a million other ways to self support in times of uncertainty, and each of us has our own approach. But my encouragement for you this week, if you are feeling particularly uncertain, is to try this simple mantra/self-compassion strategy. And see if it helps ease the pain.

With love, Hannah and Team Bird

PS. I am away for the next three weeks looking after my wellbeing, so there will be no Bird blog until the end of August. Have a great month!

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

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