Asking for help

Bird is pitching for lots of work at the moment. It’s super exciting, we’ve got interest from a variety of organisations all looking to build the resilience and wellbeing of their teams. We’re sharing how we can guide people to build inner resourcefulness in order to navigate change and challenge in a positive and empowering way. It’s incredible to see so many organisations now keen to get this right, and understanding the long term benefit of investing in such processes.

However, as I sit here working on proposals, I notice myself getting a little overwhelmed with all there is to do. I notice feeling like I ‘should’ be able to do every task that’s involved in writing, designing and pricing the work. I notice a part of me feeling like it’s all down to me to ‘get this right’ and that it’s best if I do it in the dark on my own without asking too many questions or getting any advice.

But when I reflect on past successes in work and life, they’ve come when I’ve asked a lot of questions. They’ve come when I’ve reached out to say ‘I’m not sure about this part, can you help?’ They’ve come when I’ve got over my ego and remembered that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When different people with varying knowledge come together to work on something it eases the pressure that befalls someone trying to work alone, and the end product becomes so much richer.

This afternoon I am working with Bird associate Elloa to pull together some ideas. And early next week I shall be getting further support around design and communication. I cannot do it all alone. None of us can.

So if you are working towards something at the moment, be it at home or work, reach out and ask for help and see how much easier things feel, and how much better the output becomes.

With love, Hannah

If you would like some support creating a vision, getting energised, and being held accountable to staying on track, contact hannah@birdmovement.comtoday to arrange an exploratory call with one of our CTI trained coaches.

Similarly if you would like to discuss how Bird workshops could work to build the resilience of your team contact to arrange a chat.

Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash

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