Specialist resilience coaching and training for the not-for-profit sector

We’ll help you build a strong and sustainable future

“Working with my Bird Coach was the best thing about 2020! 

As lockdown resulted in us all being isolated and working from home it was a pleasure to speak to my coach every two weeks to be able to voice my fears and concerns, not only relating to my work but also to what was going on with my family and home life. 

She allowed me to have some out loud honest conversations, view things from a slightly different perspective and ultimately realize I am capable and that I should trust my own wisdom.”

Philomena, Homelessness Prevention Advisor, Citizens Advice, Purbeck

“Intelligent organisations know they need resilience.”

Hannah Massarella, Founder of Bird
Read our beliefs

Why does resilience matter?

Because resilient people and organisations are robust, work smart, communicate well, resolve conflict, and focus on solutions.

We give you and your people a safe space to make positive change.

And that means you’ll see real differences that last. Here’s what clients tell us they value most:

Better communication between staff – we show you how to work together, not in silos.

Easier resolution of conflict – conflict is normal, so we show you how to stop it festering.

Working smarter – learn to get more done, better, and feel good.

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“The coaching sessions I had from Bird have had a profoundly positive impact on me. They have fundamentally changed the relationship I have with myself, helped me identify and call out my inner critic (who is pretty loud at times!) and to connect with my values and core being (not as easy as it sounds). The skills and exercises we discussed in the sessions have helped me in all aspects of my life and I know they will continue to in the years to come. I cannot recommend Bird coaching enough! ”

Imogen, Finance Manager, Room to Heal

We admire our clients

Our clients come in all shapes and sizes, from international development charities to local hospices. You’re all important to us.

“I love working with people who show up for the world they want.” Agnes Otzelberger, Bird coach and trainer

We love our clients – every day we spend with you is a happy day. We specialise in working with non-profit organisations because we admire the work you do, and it’s where we come from too.

“I felt it was fundamentally important for staff to have the opportunity to access well-being and coaching sessions and this was never more apparent than in the last 10 months, as the organisation had no choice but to move to the virtual world due to coronavirus. The impact these sessions have had on staff members has been very positive, with some extending their coaching sessions once the initial ones had been completed.”

Lucy, Service Manager, SATEDA

Do your people still have that sparkle?

Burnout, stress and overwhelm cost organisations creativity, productivity and money.

12.8 million working days were lost to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2018-19.*

90% of charities surveyed said there was not enough support for their staff and volunteers’ mental health.**

It’s that simple. Our sector is under enormous pressure and we’re all feeling it. We can’t keep pretending we have to work harder to stay afloat because our sector’s people are losing their resilience. Sickness levels and staff turnover are spiralling. We need better ways of working, and better ways of looking after our people’s wellbeing.

Bird is here to help you get your organisation’s mojo back.

* Survey by the Health and Safety Executive.
** Survey by Small Charities Coalition in November 2020.

“I really enjoyed being part of the session.”

Webinar attendee, SATEDA
Talk to Bird today

“My coach at Bird was absolutely brilliant, I feel like a different person. Each session felt like little switches were being flicked in my brain. With my coach’s help I looked into what the issues were that I was struggling with. She would gently guide me towards dealing with it rather than shutting it away. I know this will sound cheesy, but I will say it anyway… I will be forever grateful.”

Dawn, Finance Officer, Purple Patch Arts

Bird can help you and your organisation find your resilience

Bird can help you and your people to break that cycle of pressure, frustration and burnout.

At Bird we don’t believe offering massages on Friday lunchtimes is the answer to overwhelming pressures and stresses.

We dig deeper. Our training is designed to make long-lasting positive change – and that only starts when your leaders and managers take ownership of their own wellbeing and resilience.

We’re specialists and experts in this work. We take it very seriously. And we’re honest, warm and friendly to work with – we’ve all worked in the sector and we understand what you’re living through.

“We always think about wellbeing and resilience for our clients, but the Bird webinar was a good reminder that our wellbeing as staff is as important.”

CARA Essex Resilience Webinar attendee

We draw on our expertise to challenge beliefs and patterns of behaviour that aren’t helping your organisation to be its best.

We inspire your leaders and managers to model their wellbeing and resilience confidently, showing the rest of your organisation their commitment to finding smarter ways to work.

We then train your wider staff teams. Our sessions equip them with skills and tools so they can support themselves and each other. By working across your whole organisation we help you to create a powerful collective sense of resilience.

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latest from our blog

KJT: A True Journey of Resilience

Two weeks ago, I fulfilled a lifelong dream—I attended the Olympics. The first Games I remember watching was Barcelona in 1992. I can remember Freddie…

August 22, 2024

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